Another year has passed without you here Lucy, we love and miss you so much. We talk and think about you everyday. Wherever you are Lucy we hope you are ok and with NanNan, Papa, Nanny, Grandad and all the family and friends who are with you sweetheart. We are all together later and having a Chinese so will be thinking of you. The boys and Trish talk about you too, can you believe Ollie is 16 now and so tall, Bobby will be 12 tomorrow and Elliot is 9. They are all very different, Trish is a great Mum and you would have loved being in their lives. We know you are checking up on all of us. Send our love to everyone with you please. We love you to the stars, moon beyond and back again Lulu. All our love and big big hugs, Mum & Dad. Xxx🌟🌟🌛🌹💖💖🌛🌟🌟xxX